I hope K is happy...all of his impatience is quickly being negated by the crazy busy-ness we are in the midst of. He was gone last week for an interview, got home late Thursday night, then we left Friday for OK, got home today and then we both leave early Tuesday for a job interview/area visit. Things are moving along well on the job front though, so not going to complain about that. Just looking forward to being on the other side...moved and settled in!
Another sunrise picture...took lots this week, but several were taken while I was driving, so they didn't come out very clear.

The butterflies have been flocking to my parent sedums this past week.

We had a really nice trip to Wichita/OK. Friday we attended a family friends' memorial service...it was a really wonderful tribute to a wonderful man. Then we headed to another family friends' newly built home for an amazing evening of friendship and food. Yesterday was K's step-dads' 70th birthday party. Had a great time making him worry about how we were going to roast him...but we were pretty darn nice! Was a lot of fun to see friends that we rarely see. So I'll share pictures of a couple of those friends. First up is Todd, showing off spurs that he hand crafted for his wife...what talent! I put in a request for a pair of my own! Too bad my first name isn't Jennifer, or she might have not made it home with this pair!

And we'll end this short post with Glenn. He is a very talented singer...in fact we asked him to sing our first dance song (
I Cross My Heart) at our wedding. He was wonderful to listen to as usual...in fact I asked if he'd call me every night and sing me a lullaby as he left last night.
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