Yep, it was my birthday on Wed. But, when you get old enough, they're just not as exciting as they were when you were a kid. Had to go to work, and since I was sick on Tuesday, had a lot to get caught up on. Did have a wonderful dinner with my parents, and then opened my gifts before heading home. Another sign you are getting old? Useful gifts are fun! My parents gave me all kinds of sewing a rotary blade sharpener...and I was totally excited about that! Here's a pic of me and my haul (although you can't really see what I got except for the moose family)

The big bummer is that the days are becoming noticeably shorter. Hate the thought that soon we will hardly get to see the sun during the week. But, I am getting some nice sunrise pictures.

The neighbors had cows out a few mornings this week...the dogs went crazy as we drove past them.

Did work on a few layouts, and watched some more Prima live have lots of ideas swirling in my head. But of course, despite all the supplies I have, I don't have the critical things specific colors of embossing powder. But I have all kinds of ideas for Christmas presents long do I have to get them done before Christmas?? Since we are planning to be moving this fall, I'm hoping to get a lot of things done now, as I expect that I won't have much free time leading up to the holidays this year.
Speaking of moving, K has 2 interviews this week, and will likely be hearing from another company to schedule a 3rd. Keeping our fingers crossed that we will have 3 (or more) spectacular job offers to have to pick from. Then the fun begins...NOT! Too bad we can't just teleport all our stuff to a new house.
So a final couple of pictures of some of our cuties to end the post. First off is Charlie 'helping' with the laundry...or, maybe not so much helping as I really did need to use the laundry basket to get the clothes off the line.

And the cuties in the backseat...Bode and Ardee on our way into work. Ardee usually growls at Bode and won't let the little one touch him...just like human siblings! But sometimes when everyone is rather sleepy, we can all snuggle together!
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