We had a much cooler week this past week. Cool and rainy...just like I like 'em! I was pretty busy with work, so didn't have much energy for creative endeavors when I got home at night, in fact I think the same stuff is sitting in the same place on my work table as it was when I went to bed last Sunday.
Did get pictures of several pretty sunrises and cloudy afternoons, including this one from Friday morning.

On Friday I took mom & dad to the
Midwest Genealogy Center. They were wanting to do some family history searches, but don't really like driving in Kansas City much, so I volunteered to take them when we weren't able to find a farm-sitter so we could attend my HS reunion. I figured I'd be a good sport and play along and see if I could find anything about K's family there. Boy was I mistaken...I'm pretty sure I printed and copied more than they did, and I can't wait to go back to see what else I can find! And, as a bonus, we got to see Bettina from
Glass Dragon Bears, whom I haven't seen in well over a year (and I added a super adorable elephant made my B to my collection). Anyway, the Genealogy Center is amazing, the staff are super helpful, the building is chock full of resources, and I highly recommend it to anyone in the Midwest looking to do some family history research.
It rained Friday night, so we had all kinds of drippiness yesterday morning. The dew was so pretty on the cobwebs all around the farm.
And the one big craft project that Mom & I worked on...a king size rag quilt. I have had this project in the works for at least 5 years if not longer, but was never able to decide how big I wanted to make it, which fabrics to use...etc. Sometimes having two brains on the job helps...we pretty quickly were able to measure the bed, determine a suitable size, and pick the best coordinating fabrics for the job. We spent a long day yesterday cutting most of the 1152 blocks we needed, finished the last few this morning and I have them all stacked up how I want and ready to start sewing. Mom loves to quilt, but I'm not sure I can ever be more than a rag quilter! This will be my 4th and biggest so far, but it was fun to get started on it, and leaves me with all kinds of ideas swirling in my head for more in the future. We'll see how long it takes to actually get it assembled before I make too serious of plans for more!
Meanwhile, K and Dad trimmed everyone's hooves...the dogs were overjoyed will all of the selection of horse hoof to eat. It was a long, but productive day, to end a long and productive week, and everyone was dog-tired by last night...including Ardee.