Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another hot & productive week

Despite actually getting some rain this week, the hot weather has it's just a whole lot more humid. Ugh. So ready for fall to arrive!But I did have a pretty productive weekend again. Well, until I burned my leg with the iron and got this pretty little blister.
Yes, I know, how did I iron my leg?? Well, its full size ironing board is in the storage building since I so rarely iron clothes. So when I need to iron iron-ons for scrap projects, I just use a mini ironing board and sit in the that poses a hazard of ironing that I had never before thought of.

But, I did get several projects and layouts done before the tragic iron incident...including this necklace and pin set from a Prima live video.And these very cool hangings from another Prima live video. See...told ya I'd use some of those flowers!
More sunny days ahead!

1 comment:

Bettina Groh said...

Your believe and dream hangings turned out well!!!