Anyway, it was an amazing vacation for us because we went without a plan and had a great time just randomly doing whatever we thought sounded fun. We have been known to spend the entire time fighting, so this was definitely a great trip for us. The first day when we landed, we had no idea what we wanted to do, but in looking at the map, saw that the Jacksonville Zoo wasn't too far from the airport, and the only thing Northwards that we wanted to do. In the search to find lunch before heading to the zoo, we saw a sign for Amelia Island, and decided that we could go to a zoo anytime, but not an island (a serious downfall of living in KS!) It turned out to be a great choice and we had a lot of fun...tons of surf and shells!
So here are some of the better pics from the day on Amelia Island. As you can see it was rather cloudy, and starting to get dark, so the pics didn't turn out the best:
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