I know I've been away for a few weeks...but lots has been going on around here. Most importantly, we are moving...to North Carolina (for some reason, 'The P's are moving to NC' reminds me of this
Simpson's clip). K interviewed there a month ago yesterday, and they called a couple of weeks ago and offered him the job. Very excited, except for the whole starting Nov. 2nd part. Yep, they pretty much want him there immediately. So we are working like crazy to get stuff done around here and things set up there. We will pick up a 26ft rental truck on Tues to haul a load over on Thurs/Fri and unload Sat into a storage building. Sun and Mon we will spend house hunting, and Tues the 1st I have an interview before heading back home on Wed. Yep, I have an interview already! My former supervisor at my previous job moved to NC just over a month ago, to a company I had been looking at jobs at all along. Very nervous as I have to give a seminar, but I'm sure it will go fine...hope so anyway! The only downside of the position is that they also want people to start pretty quickly, so we are really hoping we can find a house soon so that we can be moving in early Dec. Luckily we have a great start on the mortgage process, so closing in a month will potentially be feasible. Have found a place for K to live for the next month+, and have a horse/duck transporter lined up, so things definitely seem to be falling into place. Needless to say, the house is not looking the best, with boxes and furniture being lined up to load on Wed. K and Dad have been moving the farm type stuff to the yard so it is easier to move, and its beginning to look like we are having a farm auction:

Trying to get a few things done before we leave. One important one involving this gorgeous huge oak tree behind the house:

Mom and I have been wanting to climb it for years. Today was the day. Didn't actually go very far up (K and Dad were concerned for our safety) but did have a wonderful time taking pictures of the view, and each other:

My mums are gorgeous this year...providing wonderful color to my flower beds. So excited to see what all I can grow in NC!