Sunday, January 31, 2010

New year, same lack of blogging

Aarrgghh. Why does life always get in the way! I so wanted to do better last year, and while it wasn't great, it was better. So this year I thought I would do even better...but here it is the end of January and I'm finally blogging. Hmmm...I could blame it on a 12-week online scrapbook class, or the big shake up at work, but it probably is just me being so overwhelmed with all that I want to do that I don't know where to start. Maybe if I just keep making my new goal to do better than the last year, I will eventually be a blogging regular!

KC weekend

For K's bday we spent a day in Kansas City. Met Bettina for brunch and then went to Archivers...were lucky K got to participate in the make-&-take. He did pretty good for his first time scrappin'! And note, this is why I always carry my camera everywhere I never know when you may need to take blackmail pictures...'See honey, you enjoy scrapping too, so that's why I need to buy X new scrapbook tool/supply/product'. Anyway, we had a great time...saw the plaza lights, ate some good food (can anyone say Cheesecake Factory?!), saw a great movie (The Blind Side) and attempted to ice skate at Crown Center. All in all a good weekend!

A wee bit of snow

This was our 'small' snowstorm in December. There was actually 12" around midnight, but the winds picked up overnight so that all that was left my morning was a puny 9" a few really deep drifts. We didn't even attempt to go to work...which was a good thing as the drifts along one of our county roads were as tall as the round bales...over 5'!